
What if you could combine a Tag Manager with Analytics? Instead of tagging what to track, you could track when and for whom to add tags, and with what effect.

Analytics, Tag Management, A/B testing. These products became essential in modern web development. Combined into a single workflow become more than sum of its parts. By sharing data, segmentation rules and insights you increase your performance and gain better control over the process. And, yes, you save money by buying a single tool.

  • Targeting

    Turn your analytics segments into triggers

  • Templates

    Use Response Templates to track more data, survey users or personalise user experience. Build your own templates with our easy to use framework.

  • A/B Testing

    Whether you want to show discount codes, capture leads or just add third party tag, you may do that as an A/B test to ensure you will not harm your business

... and ask us how:

  • insights from UseItBetter helped one of the biggest retailers in UK to run A/B tests that brought millions of pounds in revenue
  • our optimisation platform enabled Poland's largest telecom to test and implement hundreds of changes in customer journeys
  • tens of insurers from all over the world generated more leads based on insights from our form analytics

Segmentation is Targeting

With a single click you can turn a segment created during analysis into a trigger to target new users who will meet your criteria.

Your criteria can consist of multiple data points, even if they are tracked on different pages during the same visit.

Rules of analytics segments can be used as triggers

Built-in A/B Testing

Whether you are changing page content or just planning on adding a new live chat vendor, you can easily test changes on a sample of visitors and evalute its impact on your KPIs.

Analyse results of changes implemented with Triggers

Error Reporting

Sooner or later one of your tags or A/B tests will fail to execute properly. With automatic tracking of execution errors you will find out the volume of those errors and their specifics. You could even check what software configuration increases the chance of an error or use event logs to debug why they happen.

Dynamic Data

Easily personalise displayed messages or customise content using information stored in your data layer, displayed on the page or contained in a triggering event.

Use dynamic data, like names, in triggers

Response Templates

With Response Templates you can add extra functionality to your website without any coding skills. As if you were building from lego blocks, you can show visitors personalised messages, ask them questions or add them to remarketing lists.

Show right messages at the right time

Just set up your segments, define the message and determine where to display it. Decide whether you want to show this message every time a visit meets your criteria, just once per visit or maybe even once in user's lifetime.

Show messages with Triggers
Show surveys with Triggers

Ask users for feedback... or emails

Use simple forms with native looks to ask visitors for contact details, or just survey them. Use answers to explain visitors' behaviour and use behavioural data to explain their answers.

Track more data

Without changing a line of code in your website, you can set up additional tracking in a few minutes. By way of the built-in templates you can import data from a data layer, track form validation errors or basket content.

Track more data, like error messages, with Triggers

Build Your Own Templates

With a convenient JavaScript framework your developers can easily build custom Response Templates to allow website managers with no coding skills to make changes on the site.

... or Just Write Code

If you are familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript you can experiment with the entire page - its content, look and functionality.

Change website using JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Before you ask, no, there is no WYSIWYG editor. Developers don't use them for a reason. Instead, you can conveniently write code with syntax highlighting, hints and error validation.

HTML, CSS and Javascript code editors with syntax check and hints


Have you noticed how fast this page is? That's because it was built entirely using Triggers. No CMS, no Angular, no jQuery - just UseItBetter.

... and ask us how:

  • insights from UseItBetter helped one of the biggest retailers in UK to run A/B tests that brought millions of pounds in revenue
  • our optimisation platform enabled Poland's largest telecom to test and implement hundreds of changes in customer journeys
  • tens of insurers from all over the world generated more leads based on insights from our form analytics
  • "The analysis of user behaviour performed with UseItBetter service allowed us to significantly improve LINK4 web application. We were also using the capability to perform A/B testing without involving our internal IT resources. The flexibility and functionality of the solutions and the professional approach of UseItBetter team make it easy and quick to use the service." Paweł Ramiszewski eBusiness Project Manager at LINK4 Link4