

Workspaces allow you to:

Some Workspaces created during ad-hoc analysis may never be accessed again while others can be viewed frequently and serve as dashboards.

Creating a New Workspace

Once you sign in and select a project, you will see a list of available workspaces.

Click Create New Workspace to get started.

You will be prompted to specify the title of the workspace and a description. If you are going to share the workspace with your colleagues, it is a good practice to describe its purpose and provide instructions how to use it and how to interpret data from the workspace. You can change the title and description at any time.

Working with a Workspace

When you create a new workspace you start without any segment definitions other than “All Visits”.



To access any of the analytics reports, or to set up Triggers, you will first need to select the segment you want to analyze or target.


Workspace’s Time Range

You can narrow the time range for your analysis by providing Date Since and/or Date To.

You can pick dates from UI or enter the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.

You can also use terms like Today, Yesterday, Last week, Last Month which return dates relative to the date of a query. Using relative dates is very useful for reports that are frequently used or scheduled reports.

If you leave the Date Since field empty, the filter will take either the date of your account set up or the current date minus your maximum data history limit (i.e. 6 months back). If you leave the Date To field empty, it will work as Last Hour.

All new data is available with some delay, which means that new visits are usually accessible in reports a couple of minutes after they ended. The latency may be higher for projects with high volume of traffic or during peak hours.

Editing and Saving a Workspace

Every time you make a change to a workspace, the Save button will turn crimson to notify you that you have unsaved changes. No changes are automatically saved making it secure to play with the workspace without a risk of breaking it. If needed, you can click Revert to reset changes and revert the report to its last saved version.

If you accidentally forget to save the changes, the last unsaved version can be restored.

To change the report’s title, description or sharing settings click Edit.

Pinned Workspaces

If you access a certain report frequently you may want to Pin it to the top of the Recent Workspaces list.