Comparing Stats Reports from Two Segments

Some reports (e.g. the Stats Report) allow you to compare results of two different segments. Below is a simple example that will help you understand available methods for combining the results.



the segment selected on the filters tree


Sample data:

13.00 plums (62%)
4.00 apples (19%)
3.00 pears (14%)
1.00 watermelon (5%)

Results: 4
Total Count: 21


The segment you compare the selected segment to.


Sample data:

11.00 plums (57%)
4.00 oranges (21%)
3.00 apples (15%)
1.00 watermelon (5%)

Results: 4
Total Count: 19

Combined Output

The result of combining the results from the left and right segments.


Available combination methods:


Only the results that exist either in the currently selected segment or the one you compare it to.

Entries Unique To The Segment


4.00 (4) oranges

Results: 1
Total Count: 4

Entries Absent In The Segment


3.00 (3) pears

Results: 1
Total Count: 3


Only the results that exist in both the selected segment or the one you compare it to.


Divide By The Segment’s Data

1.33 (4/3) apples
1.18 (13/11) plums
1.00 (1/1) watermelon

Results: 3
Total Count: 3.51

Percentage Difference

5.00 (62% - 57%) apples
4.00 (19% - 15%) plums
0.00 (5% - 5%) watermelon

Results: 3
Total Count: 9.00

Calculate Variance

4.00 (13-11)2 plums
1.00 (4-3)2 apples
0.00 (1-1)2 watermelon

Subtract The Segment’s Data

2.00 (13-11) plums
1.00 (4-3) apples
0.00 (1-1) watermelon

Results: 3
Total Count: 3.00

Add The Segment’s Data

24.00 (13+11) plums
7.00 (4+3) apples
2.00 (1+1) watermelon

Results: 3
Total Count: 33.00

Common Entries

13.00 (13) plums
4.00 (4) apples
1.00 (1) watermelon

Results: 3
Total Count: 18.00


All results from the two segments are used.


Subtract The Segment’s Data

3.00 (3-0) pears
1.00 (4-3) apples
2.00 (13-11) plums
0.00 (1-1) watermelon
-4.00 (0-4) oranges

Results: 5
Total Count: 2.00

Add The Segment’s Data

24.00 (13+11) plums
7.00 (4+3) apples
4.00 (0+4) oranges
3.00 (3+0) pears 
2.00 (1+1) watermelon

Results: 5
Total Count: 40.00