The Visits

The Concept of Visits

A visit, the term used interchangeably with the term session, starts every time a user opens a website with added UseItBetter tracking code and ends when the user closes the browser’s tab with the website or the visit expires due to the user’s inactivity, lack of internet connection etc.

A single user can start multiple sessions (for example by opening an internal link in a new tab) and continue them in parallel. Each of those visits would be presented in the Visits report separately.

Overview of Visits Report UI

The Visits Report provides you with visits matching your segment’s criteria. These visits can be analyzed individually, one by one, using Events Log, low-fidelity Visit Preview and high-fidelity Visit Replay.


Visit Log


Visit Preview


Screenshots in the Background

Screenshots are taken using a screenshooting API at the moment a Section is opened in the Preview. The API attempts to open the URL corresponding to the Section, and replicate conditions in which the page was displayed to the user during a visit by adjusting the screen size and emulating the UserAgentString (UAS).

This approach, used instead of capturing the real page content during a visit, guarantees that no personal information or other sensitive data potentially displayed on the page are captured. The approach allows for a near-zero performance footprint of the tracking code.

The approach comes with limitations Correct screenshots can be taken only from pages that are:

Also, screenshots might no be accurate if: